Fictional Characters Wiki
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Evil Morty is one of the infinite versions of Morty. He has only appeared once so far in the series, in Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind, as the secondary antagonist and was last seen being rounded up with the other Rickless Mortys.

Unlike the other Mortys, he wears an eyepatch. Through unknown means, he gained a deep hatred for the Ricks, killing off twenty-seven known Ricks while capturing and torturing hundreds of his own Mortys to hide himself. After his Rick is killed by a horde of rabid Mortys, he is "rescued" by the Council of Ricks. During Evil Rick's autopsy, a Rick officer notices that Evil Rick has a receiver in his head, allowing him to be remote controlled. As they speculate as to who has the transmitter, the next scene is a jump cut to Evil Morty taking off his distinctive eye-patch, which is revealed to be the transmitter, and he smashes it, allowing himself to blend into the horde of Rick-less Mortys being taken away on massive starships.


  • Justin Roiland has stated Evil Morty will not be returning inSeason 2. However, he does have a decent chance of returning in Season 3 (and that any loose stories they start they do intend to finish at some point).
  • Unlike other Mortys, Evil Morty speaks in a more serious, monotone type of voice.
  • So far, Evil Morty is of the very few characters to have shown no sense of humor, along with Birdperson, Abradolf Lincler, and Gearhead.


  • Rick and Morty wiki