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Gundel Gackerburg • Humongous Chicken • Super Chicken

The Humongous Chicken is a prodigious chicken (referred to by Huxley as "Tiny") who pesters Elmo as he tries to get to Huxley's castle to retrieve his blanket in The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland. He mistakes Elmo for a worm. However, upon hearing Elmo sing "I'm a Little Teapot" to prove that he isn't a worm, the Humongous Chicken then thinks that Elmo is a teapot and declares that he can't have tea. He hasn't had his "din-din" yet.

The chicken is a normal-sized hand puppet, but is superimposed over the landscape to appear bigger. He is one of Dave Goelz's few Sesame characters.

A similar variation of the puppet has later been used on Sesame Street, such as for Super Chicken (with feminine eyelids). It has subsequently been used for multiple other characters on several foreign Sesame productions such as Sesamstrasse, Shalom Sesame as well as The Furchester Hotel. A copy of the Humongous Chicken puppet exists without the eyelids looking alike compared to the original character revision. However, that is extremely rare in the U.S co-productions of Sesame Street as most of the Sesame episodes has this chicken used with eyelids. It has been spotted on Elmo the Musicial and Sesame Street's international co-production The Furchester Hotel. The variant of the puppet with eyelids began making appearances for the second season of The Furchester Hotel.


Fictional Characters Wikia has a collection of images and media related to Humongous Chicken.


  • In some Word of the Day sketches on Sesame Street, he is referred to as a gigantic chicken although it is not enormous from before.
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